So here is what my 1500pt list for Eldar will be. I will be painting the Guardians first and working my way up.
Asurmen - 230pts
10 Dire Avengers w/ Shurikan Catapults; Exarch w/ PW & Shimmershield; Wave Serpent w/ Linked Shurikan Catapults, Linked Shurikan Cannon - 247pts
12 Guardians w/ Shurikan Catapults; Grave Platform w/ Bright Lance; Warlock w/ Witchblade, Shurikan Pistol; Wave Serpent w/ Linked Shurikan Catapults, Linked Bright Lances, Spirit Stones - 293pts
12 Guardians w/ Shurikan Catapults; Grave Platform w/ Bright Lance; Warlock w/ Witchblade, Shurikan Pistol; Wave Serpent w/ Linked Shurikan Catapults, Linked Bright Lances, Spirit Stones - 293pts
Vyper w/ Linked Shurikan Catapults, Bright Lance - 75pts
3 War Walkers w/ Left Scatter Laser, Right Scatter Laser - 180pts
3 War Walkers w/ Left Scatter Laser, Right Scatter Laser - 180pts
Total Cost:1498pts
The Dead Rise in Warhammer Quest 95!
Welcome back Adventurers,
Its been a while since I last posted, but had an interesting few months
with lots of stuff going on around the home. But earlie...
7 months ago