Monday, June 14, 2010

The Result of the First Playtest Game

Well I thought I was going to be playing against my Dad's IG since he prepared an army list for them. Instead he runs his Imperial Fists. I thought I had a good chance of winning still. First Turn he blew up one of my Guardian squad's Wave Serpent so that squad was going to die from everything. Turn 2 almost all my shooting sucked except for my Night Spinner who made one of my dad's termies die. Turn 3 Asurmen and the Dire Avengers jumped out and shot their Avenger catapults killed some more marines. Turn 4 Asurmen and the Dire Avengers shot their catapults again but with bladestorm which adds one more shot for each person but they can't shoot the following turn. 2 Marines are left by the objective. Turn 5 Asurmen and the Dire Avengers assaulted the 2 marines and won combat because of Asurmen. Lets just say I lost by only 1 objective because my dad killed all my Troops. Probably will get in some more practice games this week with them.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like it was a good game at least. Do you think the extra shots from bladestorm were worth the points and the inability to shoot the next turn? Thanks for writing the battle report, I think it will be cool to follow your progress with this army.
